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/ Compute! Gazette 1985 February / 1985-02.d64 / wcca ad1 (.txt) < prev   
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  2KB  |  46 lines

  1. 0 rem *** written by malcolm lowe ***
  2. 4 s$=" t h e    c o m m o d o r e   s h o w  [146] ":print"[147]":c$="[159][156][154][158][129]"
  3. 5 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:o=53248:p=o+1:r=137:s=53:poke808,225:printchr$(8)
  4. 10 printchr$(142):fory=0to6step2:pokeo+y,r+y*8:pokep+y,s+y*7:pokeo+39+y/2,y+6:next
  5. 11 r$="*******************"
  6. 12 t$(2)=" commodore  specific "
  7. 14 t$(4)=" sales to the public "
  8. 16 t$(5)=" software and hardware "
  9. 18 t$(6)=" big cash savings "
  10. 20 t$(7)=" speakers every hour "
  11. 22 t$(8)=" demonstrations "
  12. 24 t$(3)="  'commodore'  in attendance "
  13. 26 t$(1)=" home computer show "
  14. 30 gosub40:goto220
  15. 40 pokeo+21,15:forj=0to3:k=j+13:ifk>14thenk=j+12
  16. 50 poke2040+j,k:next:ifpeek(832)<>240thenload"w1",8,1
  17. 140 print"":u$="[162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]"
  18. 150 print" [159]"u$:print"  west  coast [146]":print" [154]  commodore  ":print"  association "
  19. 160 print" "u$:print"[145]"tab(23)" p.o.box 210310 [146]":print,,"   [153] san francisco  "
  20. 170 print,,"   [155] ca 94121       [146]":print,,"    (415) 982 1040 ":print
  21. 180 printtab(16)"[151]presents":print:print" "left$(t$,38):print:printtab(17)"[152]at the
  22. 190 [153]:[153]"    cathedral hill convention center":[153]:[153],"   forsan  francisco
  23. 200 print:printtab(19)"on":print:printtab(7)"[158]february 9th and 10th 1985":print
  24. 210 print"[149]  for printout - [155]f1[149] : for menu - [155]f3":return
  25. 220 fork=1to8:lt=(36-len(t$(k)))/2
  26. 225 t$=s$+""+mid$(c$,k,1)+left$(r$,lt)+t$(k)+right$(r$,lt)
  27. 230 a=1:b=39:c=2:close4
  28. 240 forh=0to1
  29. 250 fori=atobstepc:x=rnd(ti)*14+2
  30. 270 print""tab(20-i/2)"[198]"tab(39-i/2)"[198]":pokep,s+i/1.8:pokeo,r+i/1.6
  31. 275 print""mid$(t$,i,40):poke646,x-1:printtab(20-i/2)"[196]";
  32. 280 poke646,x:printtab(39-i/2)"[196]":pokep+2,s+14+i/6:pokeo+2,r+16+i/4
  33. 290 pokep+4,s+28-i/6:pokeo+4,r+32-i/4:geta$:ifa$<>""then400
  34. 300 pokep+6,s+42-i/1.8:pokeo+6,r+48-i/1.6
  35. 310 next:fori=1to750:next
  36. 320 ifa=1thena=39:b=1:c=-2:next
  37. 330 ifa=39thena=1:b=39:c=2:next
  38. 340 next
  39. 350 goto220
  40. 400 j=asc(a$)-133:ifj<0orj>1thengoto300
  41. 410 onjgoto430
  42. 420 fory=0to6step2:pokeo+y,r+y*8:pokep+y,s+y*7:next:poke214,10:print:print""s$
  43. 425 print:open4,4:cmd4:gosub150:goto440
  44. 430 poke808,237:poke53269,0:load"menu",8
  45. 440 fori=1to8:print"-"t$(i):next:run